Addleton, William
Allen, Charlie M., Jr.
Anderson, James F.
Baggerly, Benjie
Ballard, Clark
Bankston, Howell A.
Barnes, Harold R.
Baston, Charles
Bissenger, Barry
Bond, John Richard, Jr.
Bond, Joseph Bennett
Bowen, George Mitchell
Bradley, Joseph D., III
Brantley, Jordan M. (Jerry)
Brown, Dempsey
Brown, Stephen Phillip
Bruskie, Joseph (Sandy)
Cannon, Hoyt
Carrol, John C.
Carr, Ronnie V.
Chancey, Tommy
Chase, Bill
Chew, Walter Scott
Clark, Thomas D.
Cook, W. Robert (Bob)
Coursey William (bill)
Cowan, Ernest
Cullen, Hurley
Culpper, Robert
Dartez, James Lee
Dantzler, L. Keitt III
Doolittle, Steve
Doles, G.P. (Bonnie)
Durkee, Steve
Dykes, Bobby Leon
English, Clifford, Jr.
Ethridge, Patrick C.
Evans, Tom
Faulk, Thomas H.
Flournoy, Thomas, Jr.
Garfield, Gary L.
Giles, Hugh
Gill, Timothy E.
Gleaton, Larry W.
Grimes, Charles
Hatcher, Phil
Hardison, Donald
Hardy, Eugene (Gene)
Harrell, Ronald E.
Harwell, John R.
Herren, Ed
Heyward, Emory
Hill, Chan
Hobby, Milton Duke
Hendley, Lamar (Stryker)
Hoffeditz, Tom S.
Holmes, W. Ronnie
Holmes, Semer (Skip)
Horne. Max J.
Holzclaw, Charles W.
Hooker, Charles
Howard, David B
Hubert, Danny Lee
Hunt, Leroy
Jones, Joseph N.
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This page was last updated on: November 11, 2024
Kidd, William W
Kite, Glenn P.
Lazenby, James
Levitt, William R, Jr
Linder, Eugene Currie
Lord, Philip
Mailey, Franklin Donald
Masicott, Malvin
McCrary, Donald H.
McDonald, Thomas
McLaughlin, Philip M, Jr.
Miller, Shawn M.
Mims, Roger
Mitchell, James R.
Mixon, Ernie
Modena, Jerry
Murphey, John Richard
Myers, Alan Jackson (Jack)
Olnick, Richard M.
Orr, Herbert Brinson
Owen, Ronald E.
Parker, Ken
Paul, Clayton R
Pettis, Ronnie
Porter, Larry Jackson
Porter, Tommy
Prince, James
Purdy, Gary
Reinertsen, John C.
Sanders, Bobby
Saunders, Mike
Sawyer, George
Self, Stanley
Self, Tilman E., Sr.
Sell, Ed
Sheppard, Curtis Randall, Sr.
Shirah, A.V., Jr.
Shockley, Davis J.
Slaughter, Butch
Smith, Cathey A.
Smith, E. Perry
Smith, R. Maxie
Solomon, Stewart
Steadman, Andrew J.
Stefano, Michael L.
Stringfellow, Gerald A.
Stuckey, Gene
Swords, Terry
Taylor, John Larry
Thomas, William
Tidwell, Coleman
Wade, Phelps
Walker, Larry
Walker, Wesley
Wansley, Ricky
Watson, Clifton Jerry
Webb, Richard C.
Wiggins, Earl D., Jr.
Wilder, Larry E.
Yaughn, Anthony Malcolm
Youmans, Bubba
Young, David W.
Young, Leroy
Alexander, Leone Stubbs
Arnold, Rebekah Wilson
Boyd, Joan Stevens
Barrett, Anne Ethridge
Branch, Ellen Busbee
Busbee, Jan Bass
Campbell, Brenda Hampton
Carr, Montez Smith
Carswell, Judy Fitzgibbon
Chanin, Valerie Hughes
Clark, Bunny Heyward
Davis, Elaine Scharfman
Davis, Jan Wilson
Dodson, Virginia Ezell
Eichel, Muriel Torch
England, Joan Dukes
Gay, Shirley Byrd
Hildreth, Susan Kelly
Kitchens, Jean Hortman
Joiner, Janice Marti
Jones, Bunnie Price
Law, Sandra Johnson
Handley, Linda McGehee
Hardeman, Patricia
Hughes, Mary Goss
Manning, Patricia
Martin, Janice Joiner
McAuley, Carla Daugherty
McGehee, Linda Handley
McLendon, Nancy Rocker
Menor, Carol Crutchfield
Meadows, Gail Durden
Miller, Beth Davis
Moore, Madelaeine Calhoun
Moore, Partricia Bragg
Myers, Janie Patterson
Pethal, Louisa Anne Whitley
Pippin, Shirley Towles
Kathleen McCallum Redding
Reed, Mary Trawick
Roberson, Wynelle Stevens
Rubin, Barbara Haskins
Sharpe, Peggy
Surber, Ann Hutchings
Googler, Margelyn Thompson
Tucker, Gloria Faye
Webb, Judy Hunnicutt
Williams, Sophie Clark
To children dancing
And lovebirds soaring
From the nest to the moon.
To jasmine twining
And willows swaying
In the long summer sun.
In peaceful eyes of mothers
And faces of their babies
In contented sleep
In quiet nights of winter
And mornings of new flowers,
Dreaming of spring.
Andrea Alban Gosline
Web design by Lindy Chaffin Sterling
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