It's a distinctive year

It's the year 1958-59

It's the year we are seniors
the year about which we have long dreamed

And now that it is here, we are beginning to realize it has meant
that awards are given in recognition of outstanding

that increased emphasis is being placed on scholarship and
trained skills

that changes in our responsibilities and way of living are 
natural and inevitable

that we are becoming keenly aware of problems facing a 
world that is changing 

And as we realize these things, we know that now, as never before, we need calm and deliberate thinkers and level-headed, trustworthy leaders who will be guided by principles of justice and fairness.

It's a big task!

Anne Booth & David Geiger
WELCOME! This is the Miller-Lanier Class of 1959 home page.  Our place to escape today's world, relish memories of days past, see what our next reunion holds, and catch up with friends. 

We have not password protected our Directory. Our class and website will not tolerate solicitation of any kind, nor any unlawful sharing of information.

Please help our  website . Contact Us with updated information, recently Deceased, or Missing classmates.

Also, please be sure to sign our Guest Book, and take advantage of our class Chat Room.

We refresh this site regularly, so be sure to visit again soon.
This page was last updated on: February 2, 2022
Class is Out
Test Time
Web design by Lindy Chaffin Sterling
E-mail Lindy Chaffin Sterling.
Miller-Lanier Class of 1959

A group
has been 
to create a Miller, 
Lanier and Central
High Alumni 
Association of all
years. Kathy
Kennedy Walden  has agreed to serve
on the Board  of
Contact Kathy or Mike Cass for 

email me
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